Babs and Katie.
Is TAKING A SHOT the only story they'll get?
Do I have to read TAKING A SHOT to understand the other books in the series?
Why do I have to buy a whole anthology with all these other stories by other authors just to get Babs and Katie's story?
So...let me try to answer your questions.
First off, TAKING A SHOT is not the only story Babs and Katie will get. It's not their happily ever after. It's a brief moment in time that lets you see where it all begins. They will get a full novel, with a true happy-ever-after ending like you expect in a romance, somewhere down the line. The problem is they both have a lot of growing up to do between the time of TAKING A SHOT and whenever that will be. Think of this novella as a prequel. It's just a taste, and there's a lot more to come.
Second, no, you don't have to read TAKING A SHOT to understand the other books in the series. Ever since BREAKAWAY, which got it all started, you've been seeing bits and pieces of their story going on in the background. That's going to continue in the other books. In fact, initially, TAKING A SHOT was not going to exist as a separate entity at all. The events that take place in that novella were only supposed to be going on in the background of the rest of the series.
(As a side note, TAKING A SHOT is where the hero for the third book, LIGHT THE LAMP, is introduced. That said, you'll meet him when you start reading LIGHT THE LAMP anyway. It isn't necessary to read TAS in order to understand what's going on in LTL. LIGHT THE LAMP will release on June 12, 2014.)
This novella, TAKING A SHOT, would not have existed at all if not for me learning about the SEDUCED BY THE GAME anthology. When I learned about it, and that the authors involved were going to donate our stories and all the royalties we earned from sales to Hockey Fights Cancer, I decided that this was a brief story that I could pull to the forefront instead of allowing it to happen in the background of someone else's story like I initially intended. The only reason I wrote it at all was for the opportunity to raise money for a good cause. Period.
So why do you have to buy the anthology just to get this story? That's why. It wouldn't exist if not for the anthology. If you don't want to buy an anthology with other authors' stories and have the money go to charity, that's fine. You don't have to do that...you just have to wait. In 2015, I will get the rights to TAKING A SHOT back, and I will then be able to publish it separately. Until then, the only way to purchase TAKING A SHOT is to buy the SEDUCED BY THE GAME anthology.
I hope this answers all your questions about Babs and Katie. If not, feel free to contact me through Twitter, Facebook, or the email address found on my website or in my books!
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