I just wanted to post something to let you know that I'm officially moving my blog. From now on, it's going to be part of my website.
Head over to http://catherinegayle.com/news for all my latest.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Ice Breaker
I have a surprise for you. :) In fact, it's not just a surprise. It's a free gift.
I'm going to be giving away a free short story called Ice Breaker to all my newsletter subscribers.
Ice Breaker is part of the Portland Storm series. It's a prequel to the whole series, in a sense. And it's the story of how Jamie Babcock and Katie Weber first met, back when they were both blushing, adorable teenagers.
In this short story, you'll get an early glimpse at some of the recurring characters in the series: Babs, Katie, Webs, Razor, Zee, Jim, Jonny, and others. I think you'll love it. I know I loved writing it. ;)
Ice Breaker will not ever be available for sale. You won't be able to find it at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, or any other ebook retailer. I won't ever have print copies to give out at book signings or reader conventions. You won't be able to download it from my website. The ONLY way you can get your hands on it is to sign up for my newsletter.
I should have it available sometime in the next couple of weeks. In the meanwhile, if you want to be sure you get it as soon as I send it out, sign up here.

Ice Breaker is part of the Portland Storm series. It's a prequel to the whole series, in a sense. And it's the story of how Jamie Babcock and Katie Weber first met, back when they were both blushing, adorable teenagers.
In this short story, you'll get an early glimpse at some of the recurring characters in the series: Babs, Katie, Webs, Razor, Zee, Jim, Jonny, and others. I think you'll love it. I know I loved writing it. ;)
Ice Breaker will not ever be available for sale. You won't be able to find it at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, or any other ebook retailer. I won't ever have print copies to give out at book signings or reader conventions. You won't be able to download it from my website. The ONLY way you can get your hands on it is to sign up for my newsletter.
I should have it available sometime in the next couple of weeks. In the meanwhile, if you want to be sure you get it as soon as I send it out, sign up here.
Bury the Hatchet - Sneak Peek - Chapter Two
Who wants another taste of Bury the Hatchet to tide you over until it releases? How about the second chapter?
wasn’t my life. Or at the very least, it wasn’t the life I wanted. Now I needed
to figure out what to do about it.
Want to read more? BURY THE HATCHET releases on July 9, and you can order it now at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and All Romance eBooks. Add it to your Goodreads shelf now if you haven't already done so.
If you missed it, I posted the first chapter already. Go on over and read that now and then come back for another taste.
Chapter Two
whatever reason, he said he would go along with it. I was still
dumbfounded that Mama and Mrs. Jernigan had come up with the idea of us getting
married to begin with, and I wasn’t positive that I was fully on board, but Hunter Fielding had agreed to marry me,
and now everything was moving at the speed of light. I needed to make up my
mind, once and for all, before it was too late. Yes, Mama and Lance insisted
that I had no choice and was going to have to marry someone, but I was a grown woman. An adult. I had choices. And
marriage? That was a big decision to make, even if it was essentially to be in
name only and would have an expiration date.
The meeting with
the Thunderbirds brass took place on Tuesday morning. That afternoon, Daddy and
I sat down in his office with Hunter and his agent and hammered out the details
for the prenuptial agreement.
“You’ll live
together as husband and wife for one year,” Daddy explained to the other men. He’d
already gone over all of it with me, Mama, and Lance well before now. He and I
were seated on one side of the long board table at Roth & Rainier, the law
firm where he was one of the two primary partners, while Hunter and John sat
across from us. “All money and possessions that started out being Hunter’s will
remain Hunter’s. The same will go for Tallie. Upon your divorce, everything
that she comes into the marriage with will leave the marriage as hers. You’ll
maintain a single residence but separate bank accounts.”
“Who will own
the house?” the agent asked.
“Hunter buys a
house,” Daddy answered before I could interject. “He’ll need one to live in
after this all washes over, anyway, since he’ll still be on the team. You’ll
live in it together to give the impression of being as completely head-over-heels
in love as possible. What happens inside that house with the doors closed is
your business and yours only, no matter what her mother and that ass Lance may
have to say on that matter.”
Heat raced to my
cheeks as I remembered what I’d said earlier about not necessarily remaining celibate.
The fact was, Hunter was hot. Seriously gorgeous. He was about half a foot
taller than me and solid muscle. His dark hair was too long and curled a little
where it hit his shoulders, and he hadn’t shaved in a couple of days, a bit of
scruff lining his square jaw. Everything about him screamed Man, with a capital M, from the defined
muscles of his forearms to the deep, gravelly sound of his voice. He’d been
wreaking havoc on my girly parts since the moment he’d walked into the
Thunderbirds offices earlier, and I couldn’t seem to get my hormones under
control. At least not while he was staring at me like he was right now.
Something told me he was remembering what I’d impetuously said, as well.
“Speaking of
Lance,” Hunter said. There was a surly, grumbly tone to his words that shot
straight through me and made my temperature rise again. “Who the hell is that
guy and what does he have to do with anything?”
I blinked, but
Daddy didn’t say anything to answer him. I supposed that meant it was going to
be on me to explain. Daddy and Lance had never gotten along. The sooner he
could get Lance out of my life, the better. I was almost positive that was why,
out of everyone involved, Daddy was the least upset about my mishap in Cancun
and the most receptive to the idea of me getting married. No more pageants. He
assumed that would mean no more Lance. I wasn’t so positive about that,
considering the way Mama was pulling Lance along to participate in every aspect
of the aftermath.
“Lance Benton. He’s
my pageant guru,” I said feebly. Anyone who’d been involved in the pageant
world would understand in a heartbeat, but to the rest of the world, a guru was
sort of a mystery. Mama had hired him when I was still just a baby and too
young to voice an opinion on the matter, and she’d kept him regardless of
whatever complaints I might have about him because he was the best. He got
results, and he was the reason I’d succeeded. That was what Mama said, at least.
Sure enough,
Hunter just raised a brow in question, his sexy-as-sin face a mass of
I sighed. “He
oversees everything for me, training me in every aspect of my presentation and
supervising all of the people who help out—my designer, my hair and makeup
people. He runs the show.” Whether I liked it or not, and for a great many
years now I’d been leaning toward the side of not. Hunter still didn’t look like he followed, so I added, “He’s
kind of like my coach, I guess.”
“Your coach?”
Hunter scoffed.
I nodded.
“For pageants?
You need a coach for a beauty pageant?” He raised and lowered his gaze, giving
me a thorough and disbelieving once-over.
“They’re about a
lot more than just physical appearances,” I groused, sick to death of having to
explain pageants to people who weren’t part of this community.
He narrowed his eyes
at me, seeming to analyze every minuscule bit of my appearance. “Mm-hmm,” he
said, making me feel all of an inch tall. “So what the fuck does he have to do
with any of this?” he asked, scowling and waving an arm across Daddy’s desk and
the papers littered all over it. “This is a marriage, sweetheart. It isn’t a
pageant. The guru stays out of it.”
There was no
masking the grin that swallowed up Daddy’s face. “You know, son, I think I’m
going to like you. I think I’m going to like you a hell of a lot.”
“I might be
marrying your daughter, Mr. Roth, but I’m not your son, and you and everyone
else around here had better get that through your thick fucking skulls.”
Daddy just
chuckled and sifted through the stack of papers to find another one to go over.
“Got it. Noted. Not my son.” He winked at me. I had no clue how he could be
laughing and winking at a time like this. My whole world was changing.
Everything I’d known my whole life had been ripped out from under me the day
I’d returned from a summer vacation with my sorority sisters and had to face
the scandal of being stripped of my crown.
Hunter met my
gaze from across the table, almost staring through me. “You understand what I
said about Lance? He has no place in our marriage. At all. Not ever, regardless
of how short or long this marriage may be.”
“Of course he
doesn’t,” I readily agreed.
I didn’t mention
the fact that a wedding was not a marriage, and there wasn’t a chance in
hell that I could convince Mama that Lance couldn’t be involved in the planning
for the ceremony. He had already started working on it, and she would have a
serious conniption fit if I tried to put down my foot about it. The fit that
Lance would throw would be big enough to cause the Gulf of Mexico to swell up so
far it would cover the entire state of Oklahoma. Whether I was happy about it
or not, and no matter what Hunter thought on the matter, Lance’s fingerprints
would be all over the wedding and reception. Heck, he’d already made the
executive decision that I would be walking down the aisle in my competition
ball gown, despite the fact that it wasn’t even close to being appropriate for
a wedding. It was white, there wasn’t time to get something else more wedding
appropriate made, and it would look stunning on camera, especially after they
added some more pizzazz to it. Those were all the reasons he needed to lay down
that particular law.
Daddy finally
found the sheet he’d been searching for and drew it forward, passing it across
so Hunter and John could see it. “This one is more specific to finances. I set
up a trust fund for Tallie years ago. It allows her to have access to the funds
upon her marriage at a set dollar amount per year, so that should cover all her
living expenses during the course of your marriage. In other words, while
she’ll be living in your house, she won’t be touching your money. There won’t
be any need for it. Additionally, I’ll be paying for the wedding since you’re
buying the house.”
“The wedding shouldn’t
cost too much, though,” Hunter said, narrowing his eyes. “Not like a house. I
mean, maybe if we were waiting a few months and could plan it properly—”
“I promise you,”
Daddy interrupted, “my wife can spend money like you wouldn’t believe, on short
notice or otherwise.” He passed over another sheet of paper and pointed toward
a line so he could explain the terms outlined on it, effectively putting an end
to that part of the conversation for the moment.
John took each
sheet of paper as Daddy discussed it, poring over it with a fine-toothed comb
while the explanation continued. For the most part, it was just Daddy talking.
Every now and then, either Hunter or John would pipe up with another question,
or John would point out a section of wording that he wanted to have changed
before he would advise Hunter to sign on the dotted line. I decided to leave
them to it. Daddy and I had already gone over every single detail in these
documents even before my husband-to-be had been decided upon, so there wasn’t
much for me to contribute.
The basic gist
of the rest of our meeting was that Hunter and I would publicly play the parts
of a loving couple, putting off the impression that we were exuberantly happy
newlyweds. The story we would feed the press was that we’d met at an event
while Hunter was in town to meet with his new team, and we’d both been so instantly
smitten that we knew this was it. We couldn’t wait, so we’d dropped everything
and married as soon as it could all be arranged. In that way, we were revealing
things as truthfully as possible without letting the whole truth out. Once we decided to go our separate ways after the
requisite year, we would simply state that we’d rushed into things and hadn’t
thought it through, that love at first sight had turned out to be just a myth,
not reality.
Everything about
this marriage business felt cold and calculated, which I supposed it should.
That was the truth of it. It was all
being decided and arranged in an almost mercenary manner. The craziest part of
it all was that Daddy—the one who was most in line with the idea of Hunter
Fielding being the man I married for this farce—was also the one who was most
able to keep emotion out of the arrangements. Maybe that was to be expected
since he was a lawyer. I supposed it came with the territory.
Anyway, once
everything was hammered out, the contract was drawn up, agreed upon, and signed
by all parties involved. Hunter pushed back his chair and stood, his agent
following suit. I glanced up to find Hunter’s eyes trained on me. I’d never
seen eyes quite like his. They were light, and on first glance, they seemed to
be some sort of blue, almost too crystal clear to be human. But when I looked
closer, I realized they were a silvery sage green unlike any I’d observed
before, both magnetic and impenetrable. Every time I’d caught him looking at
me, his expression had been unreadable, but it grew more and more heated with
each glance. Not an angry sort of heat but more along the lines of sexy and
sensual, causing tingles to race to every nerve in my body.
“So you’re
coming to dinner with me tonight then,” he said.
“Dinner?” That
was enough to take me by surprise, and I sat back in my seat, eyes wide. “Why
do you think I am coming to dinner with you?”
“Because we’re
supposed to be putting on a show for everyone,” he said, aggravation coming
through in his tone. “If we wait until after the wedding to start that, there
are going to be even more questions than there already will be. Might as well
get started now. See and be seen, right?”
I took a gander
at Daddy, but he was no help. At the moment, he was gathering up all of the
documents that we had just gone over and sorting them into stacks. Traitor. “Maybe we can start in a few
days. Mama expects to go over wedding details with me tonight.” I honestly
didn’t know if Mama expected anything of the sort, but there were a lot of
details that needed to be seen to, and she wouldn’t want to put them off any
longer than necessary. Not to mention Lance, but I didn’t see any reason to
bring him into the equation right now. The less Hunter knew about Lance’s
involvement, the better, at least for the time being.
“How many
wedding details can there be? There are only so many things that can be put
together at the last minute like this.”
At that, Daddy
snorted in laughter. “Son, you’ve got a lot to learn about Southern women and
what they can accomplish on short notice.”
I was sure that
Hunter was about to gripe that Daddy had called him son again, and I was prepared to interject, but John beat me to it.
“We should
really get out of here,” he said. He took Hunter by the arm and started guiding
him toward the door. “We still haven’t had time to check in at the hotel, let
alone change clothes. Hunter needs to get a rental car. We can work the rest of
this out tomorrow, can’t we?”
Hunter would not
be deterred so easily. He stopped and turned, narrowing those silky green eyes
at me. “Seriously, dinner?”
“Pick her up at
six thirty,” Daddy said. “My secretary will give you the address, and she’ll
make reservations for you at Giovanni’s Trattoria.”
I did a double
take. “Giovanni’s?” Not only was my father blatantly ignoring everything I had
said about needing to work on wedding details with Mama but Giovanni’s was one
of the swankiest restaurants in town, easily one of the most expensive places
we could possibly go. Getting in there at the last minute was next to
impossible. I loved their food as much as I loved anything, and I wasn’t
worried about the cost, but it seemed like a bit much for the first time we
went out together.
Daddy raised a
brow in my direction, continuing to sort his papers into stacks. “The goal is
to start putting it out there that you two are an item, isn’t it? There’s no
better place for that in Tulsa.”
Hunter quirked
up a grin, a rarity in the brief time I’d known him and an action that made my
heart go pitter patter, and he winked at me. “I’ll see you at six thirty.”
“With a ring,
like we outlined earlier,” Daddy said. “Size five. Make sure it’s big enough to
draw notice.”
“Got it,” Hunter
said, catching John’s eye and jerking his head toward the door. With that, his
agent preceded him out of the board room, and Hunter snaked his way out behind
him, leaving me with a stunning view of his very tight ass, my jaw nearly
hitting the floor at the perfection of it. His jeans hugged every blessed inch
of him, defining all the muscle there and in his thighs.
Daddy chuckled
after the door closed. “Just be glad your mama isn’t around to see you gawking
at him like that.”
“She’ll be seeing
plenty of it soon enough,” I muttered. If all went according to plan, everyone
in Oklahoma would soon be seeing a lot more than me gaping at Hunter as he walked
away. I picked up my purse from the floor, tossing my copies of the pre-nuptial
agreement inside before pushing my chair back from the board table. “Daddy,
tell me something,” I said as I stood.
“What’s that?”
“Why is it that
you’re so hunky dory with all of this? Why aren’t you getting worked up?” Lord
knew worked up didn’t even begin to
cover it where I was concerned.
The entire
structure of my life until this point had been ripped away from me, just
because of one night’s worth of poor choices. Now my future looked so different
than it had only a few weeks ago that I couldn’t even recognize it. I’d been so
close to achieving the goals I’d been working toward since before I’d
understood what they were, but that was all gone. No chance. I couldn’t be Miss
USA. I couldn’t compete for Miss Universe. At this point, I didn’t even know
who I was anymore, or what my life should be about. I’d always had direction
and a narrowly defined purpose. Now, all I could do was go along with what I
was told. That wasn’t much different from any other time in my life, really. I
was good at doing what I was told. That was how I’d gone as far as I had in the
pageants I’d competed in over the years, so it came naturally to me.
Still, even with
everyone agreeing that I was going to have to marry in order to help my misadventures
in Cancun wash over, Mama and Lance were spitting mad over Hunter being the man
we’d settled upon. They hadn’t had any better suggestions, and Daddy’s firm had
run a thorough background check on him and come up with nothing worse than a
brother with some drug and legal issues that had nothing to do with Hunter, but
that didn’t seem to make any difference to them. They thought I deserved better
for my fake husband and short-term marriage. They thought he should be someone who
Oklahoma loved, not someone the people in the state hated with the fire of a
thousand suns. They wanted him to sweep in on a white charger and save the day,
not be dragged in kicking and screaming like Hunter was. They wanted the
But Daddy? I
wasn’t at all sure what he wanted, and that left me feeling as if I stood on
shaky ground. He’d always been my rock, my safe place amid the colliding fronts
of Mama and Lance.
Those two pushed
me harder and told me I was never going to be good enough if I didn’t do
exactly as they said; he smiled and told me he loved me just as I was. They plucked
and waxed and airbrushed me, obsessing over my every flaw; he looked at me when
I had bedhead and a seaweed mask covering my face and told me I was beautiful.
They regimented everything I ate, putting me on fad diets that only allowed for
canned tuna and green vegetables one week and hard-boiled eggs and steamed carrots
the next week; he brought home Subway sandwiches and cupcakes and sneaked them
into my room, winking as he backed out with his finger pressed to his lips.
He winked in
that same way now, shoving the stacks of paper aside and placing his entire
focus on me. “I’m not getting worked up because, for the first time since you
were six months old and your mother informed me she was going to enter you in a
baby pageant whether I liked it or not, I’m not worried about the damage she’s
going to do to you. You’re going to get out from under her thumb, and you’ll be
all the better for it.”
“Out from under
Mama’s thumb?” I repeated after him, dumbfounded. It was Lance who had always
ruled every aspect of my life as far as I could figure it, dictating everything
to Mama from my diet to my bedtime, and even the electives I should sign up for
in school. He had determined that I should be in Delta Delta Delta. He’d been
the one to decide that I should major in communications at the University of
Oklahoma. He’d hired and fired the various designers, makeup artists, and
coaches I’d had over the years. It had always been Lance, not Mama, making
those decisions for my life. She’d just been the one to enforce my compliance.
Daddy smiled,
but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Tallie, I tried to fire Lance at least a dozen
times over the years, but your mother wouldn’t have it. He’s been the one
deciding how you needed to do things, but it was your mother who insisted he be
in your life at all. She’s ultimately the one behind it, and I couldn’t be
happier to have you finally coming to a point where the two of them can’t
dictate your life.”
My life.
But if I went
along with the plan and married Hunter, just as I’d been told to do, it wasn’t
really my life, was it? I’d just be going along with what they told me to do,
and maybe instead of Mama and Lance dictating everything now, it would be
Hunter taking on that role. Or maybe they would find a way to wheedle their way
in to keep going as they had been.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Bury the Hatchet - Sneak Peek - Chapter One
It's almost here! The release of BURY THE HATCHET is only a few weeks away. And that means it's time for another sneak peek.
If you like what you read below, be sure you pre-order your copy! BURY THE HATCHET releases on July 9, and you can order it now at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and All Romance eBooks. Add it to your Goodreads shelf now if you haven't already done so.
Here's the first chapter. Also, keep reading all the way to the very end for some other exciting news.
August sun in Tulsa was intense enough to melt my bones, hotter even
than the water I’d recently found myself in after making a few drunken,
pissed-off, and ill-advised comments in Vegas last month. I’d been there for
the NHL Awards, hoping to celebrate one of my buddies from the goalie guild
winning the Vezina Trophy.
Well? Did you enjoy that? Good!
So here's what I promised above. Very soon, I will be releasing a surprise for my newsletter subscribers. What is it? Well, details are still to come, but it's related to Babs. Yes, the same Babs from my Portland Storm series, who everyone loves. I can't reveal what, specifically, this surprise is as of right now, but if you enjoy those books, you will want it. And the only way you can get it is to subscribe to my mailing list, as it is a FREE thank you for my newsletter subscribers. If you aren't already signed up for it, do so here so you won't miss out.
If you like what you read below, be sure you pre-order your copy! BURY THE HATCHET releases on July 9, and you can order it now at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and All Romance eBooks. Add it to your Goodreads shelf now if you haven't already done so.
Here's the first chapter. Also, keep reading all the way to the very end for some other exciting news.

I didn’t quite
make it to that part of the awards presentation because my agent, John Stine,
had slipped over to whisper some unwelcome news in my ear. An expansion draft
had taken place earlier in the day so the league’s new team, the Tulsa
Thunderbirds, could stock up on players for their debut season. I’d known that
was going on, of course. Everyone did. I also knew my team had left me
unprotected, meaning it was almost guaranteed that I’d get claimed by the new
team since I was far and away the best goaltender left in limbo. Sure enough, I
was the first player the Thunderbirds selected.
So instead of
battling it out for the starting gig against Nicky Ericsson, another goalie
with the Portland Storm, I was heading to Oklahoma to play for a team that would
unquestionably be appallingly bad for many years to come. The Storm were a
legitimate threat to win the Stanley Cup these days. Needless to say, I wasn’t exactly
excited about this latest development in my career.
After getting
the news and being assured there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it, I’d
spent the rest of the night in the hotel bar, drowning my sorrows in an
unending series of tequila shots. It was just my luck that half the contingent
of hockey media present was hanging out just outside the bar. They stopped me
when John finally hauled my sorry ass out of there, blinding my bleary eyes
with their lights and shoving their damn microphones in my face.
Hunter, what do you think about the news
that you’ll be playing for the Thunderbirds next season? they’d asked. It’s a real coup that they were able to
claim a star goaltender like you in the expansion draft.
John should have
jerked my ass away from them right then and there and said something along the
lines of Mr. Fielding isn’t taking any
questions right now. But he’d been distracted by a phone call from one of
his other clients who’d been plucked up in the expansion draft, and I’d shoved
my foot so far down my own throat that I should have choked on it and died.
Who the fuck wants to play in a goddamned
backasswards place like Tulsa, and for a fucking upstart, no less? I’d
replied, ignoring the fact that it might be aired on live TV and the censors
would have to bleep me out, oblivious to the harm I was causing myself with a
few simple words. Truth or not, sometimes it was better to bite your tongue.
At that point,
John disconnected his call and shoved the mics away from me. Too late. The
damage had already been done. The words had left my mouth and been caught on
film. I couldn’t take them back. I was just going to have to face the
That was a
little over a month ago, and now I had to pay the piper for my inebriated lack
of common sense. That was why I was here now. I’d come to Tulsa to meet with the
Thunderbirds brass. They wanted to figure out a plan for getting the fans—as if
there were any fans to be found here—on my side. Or so they said. I was just
waiting to hear what my penance would be for my perceived crimes, and the
team’s executives and coaches were apparently my judge and jury.
The second I
stepped outside the airport into the blistering heat—fully expecting farmers to
rush me with pitchforks—I wished I could walk right back in again, get on a
plane, and fly the hell out of here. But I couldn’t. There was no getting out
of this unless I intended to walk away from what was left of my career. I was
only twenty-nine years old. Way too young to hang up my skates and pads and
call it a day. Hell, twenty-nine was when goaltenders tended to hit their
prime. I had many years of hockey left in me, and I didn’t have the first clue
what I’d do with myself if it was taken away so soon.
I just wished I
wasn’t going to have to spend them in this hellhole.
John pulled up
to the curb in a rental car and waved me over. He put the car in park and
climbed out, as dressed down as ever: shorts, a T-shirt, a Thunderbirds ball
cap, and sunglasses. I squinted and wished I had a pair of shades handy,
myself. Just one of many adjustments I would have to make if I was going to
live here. I got the sense that there was a hell of an education about life in
the south in store. He grinned, tossed me a pair of sunglasses that matched
his, and popped open the trunk.
“It’s hotter
than the underside of Hades,” I grumbled.
He grabbed one
of my bags and tossed it in. “You’ll get used to it. You’ll probably like it
someday, actually. Especially in October and November when it’s still nice
enough to go out without having to shovel a few feet of snow to get your car
out. Spring will arrive here nice and early, too. Short winters; long summers.
There are a lot of good things in Tulsa.”
I didn’t want to
get used to it and John damn well knew it. He wasn’t just my agent. He was a
lifelong friend, a guy a few years older than me. I’d grown up with his younger
brother, Darren, and played hockey with both of them when we were kids. Darren
and I had both been drafted while John was in college. Darren had never panned
out with the NHL. He’d played a few years in Europe before deciding to go home
and start his family. While the two of us had been playing hockey, John had
decided to go on to law school. He’d been ready to start his career as a sports
agent by the time the Storm wanted to sign me to my first pro contract.
There was no
chance I would end up liking it here, and he knew it, so trying to sell me on the
city was a waste of his breath. I knew I
should have made him fight harder to get the no-movement clause when we’d
signed the seven-year extension with Portland before the beginning of last
season. Granted, I doubted even that would have kept me with the Storm instead
of landing with the team that would be rock bottom in the league.
I glared at him
to shut him up on all the supposed good
things about life in Tulsa.
He tossed in my
other bag, shut the trunk, and went around to get in the driver’s seat, not
bothering to respond. I climbed in and slammed the door, a good dose of surliness
taking over. At least he had the sense to have the AC going full blast.
Good thing he
let the matter drop. Instead of selling me on the positives, he started
shooting the breeze, catching me up on all the goings-on at home since I’d
hardly been back to Prince George over the summer. I sat back and listened to
him prattle, occasionally tossing in a question to keep the conversation
flowing. The more I could get him to talk about that kind of thing, the less I
would have to think about my predicament. But when the car came to a stop, we
weren’t at a hotel. We were in a parking garage in a big complex that screamed of
being the Thunderbirds’ main office.
“Already?” I
grumbled. “You’re not going to at least let me settle in first?” I’d hoped to
have the opportunity to shower and change into something more comfortable in
this heat before dealing with the clusterfuck I’d created.
John shut off
the engine. “The Jernigans want to get things moving in the right direction as
soon as possible. They said to bring you over the second you landed.”
I ground my jaw.
The Jernigans were the team’s owners. Tom Jernigan was a minister at some huge
church here in Tulsa, one of those massive congregations that aired on
television and they had to hold four or five services over the course of the
weekend because there wasn’t enough room in the building to fit everyone in a
single sitting. He and his wife, Sharon, were all over the place with Bible
study books and videos. I was sure they didn’t know the first fucking thing
about hockey. At least they’d had the forethought to hire a few guys who,
combined, boasted several decades of experience running NHL teams.
Still sulking, I
ambled out and followed John inside. He led me through a series of halls, all
decked out with various items bearing the Thunderbirds logo and colors—a Native
American warbird with hockey sticks done in turquoise and terra cotta—before stopping
at a board room.
A few familiar
faces were waiting in there: Alan Krause, the team president who had been
around the league longer than I’d been alive; Gary Asher, the general manager
who had overseen the Blues for their one and only Cup a few years back; Tim
Harvey, a former NHL defenseman who had been an assistant coach for two other
NHL teams and would do the same here; Chuck Warren, who’d been a goalie in the
league for a while—a backup goalie,
no less, and who had never come close to my level of play—who was supposed to
be my fucking goalie coach. There were a bunch of other guys in Thunderbirds
golf shirts and the like, too. Maybe they were the other coaches, or else some
of the PR people.
Off in the
corner of the room near the windows, a slim, gray-haired man in a full
three-piece suit stood next to a blond woman in the sort of conservative
women’s suit that only politicians and clergymen’s wives tended to wear. Her shockingly
blond hair looked like a helmet. She probably used a whole can of hairspray to
keep it like that. No doubt these two were the team owners, the Jernigans.
It was the group
huddled together near them that caught my attention, though: a knockout
gorgeous brunette who looked like she should be on the cover of a fashion
magazine, an older woman who could only be her mother, and a couple of older
men. All three of her companions were currently eyeing me. One of the men
seemed curious. The other, along with the mother, were both glaring at me like
I was the devil incarnate. But the young woman? I couldn’t figure out what she
was thinking because she wouldn’t look at me.
On top of that,
I had no clue about the purpose of their presence. It was supposed to be a
meeting about me being an ass and learning what I would have to do to appease
the team’s brass after letting my idiocy show. What the hell did these people
have to do with that?
Alan and Gary
came over to shake my hand. They took me through the room, introducing me
around to most of the new faces before we headed over to the big board table. I
grabbed a bottle of water from a cart along the wall before taking my seat. Alan
sat at the head of the table, folding his hands in front of him. He looked as
intense as I’d always known him to be. Maybe more at present than usual. His
stress had to be at an all-time high right now, trying to get ready for the
Thunderbirds’ debut season, and my issues had only added to it. “All right,” he
said once everyone settled into place and talk died off. “Let’s get down to
Alan picked up a
coffee cup and drank from it. “There’s no point in beating around the bush. We
have twelve thousand new season ticket holders and a whole host of other
potential Thunderbirds fans here in Tulsa who are up in arms over some comments
made by our new star goaltender. They didn’t take kindly to being called backasswards, and they aren’t keen about
one of their players not being fully on board with being a key part of this
team. So now we need to figure out how to win them over.”
“You mean we
need to figure out how I can win them
over,” I said.
Alan nodded, a
scowl marring his features.
people wasn’t my strong suit and it never had been. I picked up my water,
focusing more on it than I did on the conversation going on around me. Gary and
the coaches all tossed out suggestions like getting me involved in some sort of
community service project with some schools in the area or trying to get a
grassroots youth hockey program started so that the locals could love and grow
the sport here—with me at the forefront of it, of course.
These were
exactly the sorts of things I’d been expecting, but they didn’t seem to be what
Alan was looking for. He didn’t even like the idea of me starting up a charity
here, or at the very least, he seemed to think there needed to be something
more to go along with it. He kept brushing their suggestions off, telling them
it wasn’t enough. What I’d done was going to take a lot more than a bit of
community involvement to rectify, if Alan’s reactions were a good indication.
As for me? I
kept my head down and my mouth shut while the rest of them batted ideas around,
since John had already made it abundantly clear that I was going to have to
play along with whatever they suggested, no matter how much I might not like it.
I didn’t get a say since I’d already flapped my jaw too much. But then John
kicked my ankle under the table. I shot my head up to find Mrs. Jernigan
looking expectantly at me, a too-perfect smile plastered on her face.
“Gentlemen,” she
said. “I’ve got the perfect solution. In fact, that’s why we invited the Roths
to join us today, as they’ve got a part to play.”
The foursome in
the corner met my gaze when I passed a skeptical glance in their direction.
Well, three of the four did. The brunette ducked her head and stared at the
floor after giving me the briefest glimpse of her honey-colored eyes and button
nose. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, revealing a long, slender neck
that looked perfect for nibbling on. That was absolutely the wrong thing for me
to be thinking about, though—nibbling on her neck. Or other parts of her, like
her pert breasts.
“The perfect
solution?” I repeated slowly, one hundred percent positive that whatever whack-job
idea this lady had, it would be the complete opposite of what I thought
Mrs. Jernigan
didn’t seem to notice the sarcasm in my tone. Either that or she was an expert
at ignoring things she didn’t want to acknowledge. “You see, the Roths have
been members of our church since Tallulah Belle was just a sweet little baby. We
always want to help members of our congregation out where we can, and Tallulah’s
found herself in a bit of a pickle, too, sort of like you have. There was a
dust-up last month while she was in Cancun with her sorority sisters, and now
that she’s been stripped of her crown—”
“Her crown?” I
interrupted. Who the hell wore a crown? And more importantly, why?
This was quickly
devolving into a nightmare.
One of the men
in the corner rolled his eyes. He, like Mrs. Roth, had been eyeing me since I’d
arrived as if I were a child pornographer or something. “I told you this wasn’t
a good idea, Sharon,” he said emphatically. He spoke slowly with a slight lisp,
drawing out his words so that they seemed to have grown by a few syllables each.
Even in this heat, he had on a blue turtleneck, not to mention a tweed jacket
over it, and he waved his hands with every word he uttered. “The Neanderthal
doesn’t even know who our Tallulah is,” the arm-waving dude bemoaned.
“Don’t call him
that, Lance,” the brunette pleaded. For the first time since they’d been introduced
into the conversation, she truly met my gaze, her expression a visual apology.
Her face was also quite possibly the most flawless one I’d ever seen. She
looked as though she’d stepped out of the pages of a magazine, without a single
blemish in sight. Lightly tanned skin. High cheekbones. Impeccably arched, full
eyebrows. And that was just her face. Her body? Made me think all kinds of
things that I had no business thinking about a woman whose name I didn’t even
know. She looked too good to be real, but damn if she wasn’t hot.
He ignored her,
gesticulating so much he nearly whacked her in the face, which made me want to
pick him up by the scruff of his neck and teach him a thing or two about how
Neanderthals expected a man to treat a lady. I stayed put, though, and Lance
was oblivious to anything but his own agenda. “He won’t work out. He doesn’t
understand the pressure she’s under. The hooligan couldn’t even bother to get
his hair cut before making an appearance. He’s exactly the opposite of the sort
of man we need her to marry.”
My head snapped
back upon hearing the word marry, and
I pushed my chair away from the table. “Back the fuck up for a second,” I said.
The movement unsettled my water, and the bottle fell over, rolled to the
table’s edge, and dropped to the floor, narrowly missing my toes. “Who the hell
said anything about getting married? I’m willing to do whatever you need me to
do to make up for my perceived crimes—community outreach, volunteering,
whatever—but how the fuck is getting married—”
“Which is
precisely the point,” Mr. Jernigan cut in, his voice rising over mine. He
arched an eyebrow in my direction, either daring me to interrupt or putting me
back in my place, one of the two. “You’ll do whatever we need you to do—John
assured us you would—and we need you to marry Tallulah. She’s gotten into a
scrape. She needs a way out of it. You’re it, son. On top of that, she’s the best way to get the people
here in Tulsa on your side.”
“How is marrying
her supposed to help me make things up to all the people I pissed off?” I
“Would you please watch your language?” Mrs.
Jernigan demanded, and I just about fell out of my chair. Of all the things to
get worked up over, she was getting her panties in a twist over me uttering the
words pissed off? How on earth was
she going to handle being around a whole team of hockey players? It might be
better if she was one of those hands-off team owners like we’d had in Portland,
but so far it didn’t look like that would be the case.
She put her
hands on her hips, prim, proper, and as incensed as I’d ever seen a woman.
“Really, there’s no reason for all that foul stuff. Your mama should have
taught you better than that.”
“Let’s leave his
mama out of it, Sharon,” her husband said, never removing his gaze from me. No
doubt he sensed that I was about to lose my shit, and he wanted to defuse the
situation before I did something else I would regret. I might not like his
wife, but so far he was okay. Well,
except for the fact that he thought I needed to marry some random chick I’d
never met before.
He crossed his
arms and leaned back in his chair. “Here’s the deal, son.”
I gritted my
teeth. “I’m not your son.”
He ignored me. “Tallulah
won Miss Teen Oklahoma USA several years back, and then she won Miss Teen USA.
She’s the reigning Miss Oklahoma USA, or she was until they stripped her of her
crown last month because of a slight indiscretion. She was expecting to contend
for Miss USA, and most likely Miss Universe after that. She’s been competing in
and winning pageants for years, including some very high-profile ones. The fact
is that Oklahomans love her. We adore her. But now her image has been
tarnished, and she needs a husband so she can repair her image in the public
eye. She fell down a few pegs when…well, never mind that. The point is that
they want Tallulah to appear to be the role model they always assumed she was,
and to do that, she needs to give the impression that she’s growing up,
settling down, and doing the things they’ve expected of her all along.”
“Which is
exactly why you can’t just shove her in with him,” the hand-waving man
interrupted, pointing a finger in my direction so hard it seemed he might be
attempting to jab me in the eye. “He’ll ruin her worse than she already is.”
Mr. Jernigan
closed his eyes, shook his head, and sighed. “He’s not going to ruin her.
They’ll rescue each other.”
I wasn’t in the
mood to play knight in shining armor to anyone, even if she had legs for days and
killer curves like this Tallulah chick did, and I’d be damned if I needed
anyone to rescue me. I’d dug my own hole; I could damned well figure out a way
to climb out of it myself. “I’m not marrying anyone,” I said, loud and clear
enough to be heard over everyone else.
“You are.” This
time it was John speaking.
I spun my head
to glare at him. “You knew this was going on and you didn’t say a word about
“Had to be sure
you were going to show up,” he said, shrugging. Like this was no big deal. Like
he wasn’t trying to tell me that my life as I had it planned was all being
tossed out, and I was going to have to bend to someone else’s rules. Like I
should have expected it since I’d been dumb enough to make an ass of myself,
and this was my due penance. “We already discussed this. You’ve got to play by
their rules, at least for a while. Things are different down here. You’re going
to be living and playing in the Bible belt, and there are different
expectations. Besides, it’s not forever,” he added sheepishly.
“You expect me
to believe that a preacher”—I pointed in the general direction of the
Jernigans—“is going to suggest a marriage that will end up in divorce in order
to cover up some silly scandal.”
“Well, really,
honey pie,” Mrs. Jernigan said. “It’ll be more like an annulment. It’s just for
a year.”
“A year?” I
scoffed. I didn’t know American marriage law very well, but this didn’t sound
like the sort of thing a judge would consider appropriate annulment material. “And
I’m not your honey pie. Either way, doesn’t matter since I’m not doing it.”
“Yes,” John
said, more emphatically than before, “you are.”
I shot him a
go-to-hell look. “No one can make me get fake married for a year. Not even you,
and don’t fool yourself into thinking you can. Besides, that would mean I’d
have to be celibate the whole damn time.” If the entire fucking state loved
this Tallulah chick, the second I was seen with some other girl, hoping to
scratch an itch, I’d be the bastard who cheated on Oklahoma’s sweetheart.
“Language!” Mrs.
J shouted at me. The woman reminded me more and more of Effie Trinket from the Hunger Games movies, only minus the pink
“Sorry if the
mention of sex offends you,” I spouted off, and I didn’t even feel bad about
the offended gasp she let out. The longer I was in this room, the shorter my fuse
grew. I’d be lucky if I got out of here without them threatening to find a way
to void my contract.
Hell, maybe I
should really let loose. Maybe then they would
try to void it, and then I could sign with some other team. Anything would
be better than being stuck here and getting forced into some sham of a
“You wouldn’t…”
Tallulah had spoken up again, drawing my attention, but she clammed up the
second her mother and Lance shot looks in her direction.
“I wouldn’t
what?” I asked, more out of curiosity than anything.
“It doesn’t
matter,” Lance interjected. He reached across and put a hand over Tallulah’s,
as though to prevent her from saying another word. The guy seriously needed a
good throat-punching, and I was itching to be the one to have that honor. Not
to rescue her. More to fuck with him because the half hour or so I’d spent in
his company was more than anyone should have to bear in a lifetime. The guy was
a serious ass. He met my glare. “No Neatherthals allowed near Tallulah Belle.
Not now. Not ever.”
She tugged her
hand free, and my esteem for her went up a few notches. She scowled at him
before turning to me. “You wouldn’t necessarily have to be celibate the whole
time,” she said, staring straight at me. “I mean, I’m not sure I’d want to
“Tallulah Belle
Roth!” her mother interrupted before turning her hateful glare on me. “There
will be no hanky-panky, not with
Tallulah or anyone else. Just enough hand-holding and light kisses for the
cameras, but when you’re not putting on a show for the media, you’ll be keeping
your hands to yourself and your little thing
tucked away in your pants.”
“It ain’t
little, sweetheart,” I said before I could think better of it.
“Well, I never.”
She shut up after that, though, crossing her arms and turning her back to me.
Tallulah didn’t
keep quiet. “Mama, you can’t speak to him like that. And it’s none of your
“My daughter
isn’t my business?”
“—what happens
behind closed doors,” she continued, ignoring her mother’s interruption. “The
fact is, we will be married. And
Soon? I was
about to speak up again, but the other man—the one who, so far, had kept his
mouth shut and merely looked on, mildly amused by the proceedings—leaned
forward and locked his gaze on me. “Saturday, actually,” he said, answering my
unasked question. “And I’ve already got the prenup lined out. I’ll just need
you and my Tallie to drop by my office later this afternoon to go over it so we
can get it finalized.”
I pressed my
fingers to my eyes, wishing I could push hard enough that my whole head would
explode like the dude on Game of Thrones.
My head hurt enough that it might explode from the internal pressure without
any outside forces.
“Not him,” Lance tossed in. “We’ll find
someone else.”
“By Saturday?” Mrs.
Jernigan asked. “Everything’s already in place for this weekend, and we’ve
already wasted too much time. They’re hounding Tallulah everywhere she goes.”
“Find someone
else,” I ground out.
“There is no one else,” the father insisted at
the same time as John said, “Whether you want to do this or not, you’re going
to have to.”
“Why?” I roared.
“Why this? What the hell is this supposed to do that couldn’t be accomplished
some way that doesn’t involve fucking getting married?”
Tallulah stood
up, planting both hands on her hips and drawing my eye exactly there. “Now you
look here,” she said, suddenly turning sassy in a way that turned me on despite
my better judgment—further proof that hormones had nothing to do with the part
of the brain that processed thought. “I’m not any happier about this than you
are, and clearly my mama and Lance don’t think you’re up to snuff, but they’re
right about this one part. Whether you want to hear it or not, they’re right.
The two of us getting married—at least long enough for all of this to blow
over—is the best solution for both of our problems. So we’re going to do it.
We’re getting married on Saturday, so you’d better just accept the fact that
it’s happening. And you should probably call your mama. They don’t like finding
these things out after the fact.”
holy hell. Even Tallulah wanted to go along with it. Apparently, Tulsa wasn’t
just hell; it was also the Twilight Zone, only the people I was surrounded by
didn’t realize it.Well? Did you enjoy that? Good!
So here's what I promised above. Very soon, I will be releasing a surprise for my newsletter subscribers. What is it? Well, details are still to come, but it's related to Babs. Yes, the same Babs from my Portland Storm series, who everyone loves. I can't reveal what, specifically, this surprise is as of right now, but if you enjoy those books, you will want it. And the only way you can get it is to subscribe to my mailing list, as it is a FREE thank you for my newsletter subscribers. If you aren't already signed up for it, do so here so you won't miss out.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Bury the Hatchet - A First Look, Plus a Cover Reveal
As I'm gearing up for the July 9 release of Bury the Hatchet, I thought I'd give you a little peek at what's in store. Here's a brief excerpt to whet your appetites. :)
You can pre-order Bury the Hatchet now at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and All Romance eBooks. You can add it to your Goodreads shelf, too.
The second book, Smoke Signals, will star Razor. It releases on October 22, and you can pre-order it at iBooks (and at other vendors 90 days before release) and add it to your Goodreads shelf.
Why did I choose that brief excerpt as the one to share with you first? Because, not only does it give you a bit of interaction between Hunter and Razor, but I'm also revealing the cover for the third book in the series, titled Ghost Dance, which will star Dmitri Nazarenko, aka Dima, who you meet in that excerpt. I don't yet have a release date or blurb for Ghost Dance, but you can add it to your Goodreads shelf now, and I'll share those when they're available.
coaches cleared out of the way, and none other than Sharon Jernigan walked up.
hell,” I muttered.
that?” Razor asked me.
slumped down in his seat like a kid who didn’t want to get called on in class.
“Fucking hell’s right.”
helmet hair looked even bigger than the last time I’d seen her, at the wedding.
Her smile was as forced as ever. “Welcome to Tulsa and the Thunderbirds
organization,” she said, her thick drawl accented by the all-too-familiar
waving arms. “Tom and I want to be sure y’all feel like a part of the family.”
knew she meant her church family, even if the rest of the guys didn’t. Yet.
They’d figure it out soon enough.
that, I decided it was as good a time as any for me to tune out again. I leaned
back, crossing my arms and my ankles, doing my best to relax without quite
falling asleep. I was doing a damn good job of it, too, until Razor elbowed me
in the ribs.
hissed in a breath, rubbing the spot he’d targeted. “What the fuck was that
can’t fucking do that, can she?”
what?” Maybe I should have paid at least some attention while she was talking.
a fucking swear jar in the room. She says the money’s going into the
Thunderbirds Foundation fund. That’s got to be against some rule in the CBA or
something. Don’t you think?”
swear jar? I’d known since the first
time I’d met her that she was going to have a rude awakening being around
hockey players, considering how she’d gotten her panties in a twist over the
language I’d used that first day, but this was beyond ridiculous.
the room, guys were shifting in their seats and muttering beneath their breath,
talking to one another.
don’t have a clue,” I said quietly. “But if she can, we’re all going to be
fucking broke.”
gave me a thorough once over, a single brow raised. “Good thing you’re paid
more than you’re worth.”
who’s talking,” I shot back. He was making the kind of bank a top pairing
defenseman would normally earn, but on any other team he wouldn’t be placed any
higher than the third or fourth D on
the team. That was probably why the Sabres had left him available in the
expansion draft, come to think of it. They didn’t want to pay him that much
anymore, and they knew the T-Birds would need to add some salary to meet the
cap floor.
were still debating who was being overpaid the most when Dima stood up and
walked to his stall. My arguments dropped off. I couldn’t help but watch him,
and apparently I wasn’t alone. At least half the guys in the room were staring
in the same direction.
dug his wallet out of his jeans pocket. He pulled out a wad of bills and headed
for Mrs. Jernigan, pressing them into her hand. “For first fucking month,” he
said, his Russian accent thick even if his English was only slightly broken.
gaped at him as he returned to his seat next to me. “But you’re supposed to stop swearing,” she said in a daze.
couldn’t help it. I chuckled.
next thing I knew, every guy in the room got up and followed Dima’s example, me
included. The owner’s wife could do nothing but hold out her hand and collect
the bills she was handed.
guess she still had a thing or two to learn about being around hockey players.
The second book, Smoke Signals, will star Razor. It releases on October 22, and you can pre-order it at iBooks (and at other vendors 90 days before release) and add it to your Goodreads shelf.
Why did I choose that brief excerpt as the one to share with you first? Because, not only does it give you a bit of interaction between Hunter and Razor, but I'm also revealing the cover for the third book in the series, titled Ghost Dance, which will star Dmitri Nazarenko, aka Dima, who you meet in that excerpt. I don't yet have a release date or blurb for Ghost Dance, but you can add it to your Goodreads shelf now, and I'll share those when they're available.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Portland Storm: The Second Period is Live
The box set of the second grouping of books from the Portland Storm series is available now. If you pre-ordered it, you should be able to download it to your e-reader now. If you didn't pre-order it, you can purchase it now from the following vendors.
AmazonBarnes and NobleiBooksKoboGoogle PlayAll Romance eBooksSmashwords
What, specifically, is in this box set? It's got three full novels and two novellas: Delay of Game, Double Major, In the Zone, Holiday Hat Trick, and Comeback.
What's up next? Bury the Hatchet, the first book from the Tulsa Thunderbirds series releases on July 9.
The Tulsa Thunderbirds series is a spin-off from the Portland Storm. It's a hockey romance series following an expansion team in the NHL. You can expect familiar characters, lots of hockey action, and the same emotional backdrop you'd find in the Storm series, but it's all set within a sexier, edgier package.
He was poised to be an elite goalie for a contending team.

Hunter Fielding has long since proven himself to be one of the best goaltenders in the NHL. The problem? His former team had another (slightly better) backstop. They left Hunter out to dry, the upstart Tulsa Thunderbirds claimed him in the expansion draft, and he made a few stupid comments about backasswards Oklahomans. Now the T-Birds say the only way he can redeem himself is to make nice for the media with some local goody two shoes who’s made some mistakes of her own.
Oklahoma’s sweetheart could do no wrong until she could do no right.
Tallulah Belle Roth was the reigning Miss Oklahoma USA until a night of out-of-control drinking, a naked foray in a hot tub with very bad boy, and a bunch of lowlights on TMZ. Now she’s been stripped of her crown and is facing the censure of the same people who made her out to be Little Miss Perfect. Tallie won’t ever get her title back, but her life is another matter—and the only way the public will allow her to do that is if she presents herself as happily settled with someone else under Oklahoma’s eye.
The marriage is to be in name only—one year of sickeningly-sweet lovey-dovey PDA, all to get their detractors to bury the hatchet. Those kisses and tender moments for the cameras take an emotional toll, though. Can in name only be enough?
Pre-order Bury the Hatchet now at the following retailers.
Barnes and Noble
All Romance eBooks
(Google Play pre-orders will come closer to release date.)
The next Portland Storm book will be a novella titled Home Ice, which releases on August 13.
There’s only one person in the world that Mattias Bergstrom allows to see his soft side: his younger sister, who was born with Down syndrome. She lives with their parents in Sweden, so there’s no worry of accidentally showing his players any part of himself other than the hard-assed former defenseman and current head coach of the Portland Storm. At least not until the doppelganger of Matti’s sister snags one of his young D-men in the corridor before the team’s skills exhibition event, and his frozen heart melts.
Paige Calhoun has her hands full with four exceedingly boy-crazy, hockey-loving daughters—three teenagers and one pre-teen with Down syndrome. Everyday life is hard enough, but then her ex-husband scores tickets for Paige to take the girls to the StormSkillz Competition. The magnitude of her task is further complicated when her youngest spots the hockey player of her dreams and barrels through the crowd to claim him as her own.
The team’s sexy-as-sin coach intervenes, and suddenly Paige feels just as boy crazy as her daughters. This girl might not be Matti’s sister, but he decides to give her and her sisters a weekend they’ll never forget. Too bad it never crossed his mind that in the process he might end up giving himself an unexpected happy ever after with Paige.
Pre-order Home Ice now at
Barnes and Noble
All Romance eBooks
(Google Play pre-orders will be available closer to release date.)
More to come soon!
AmazonBarnes and NobleiBooksKoboGoogle PlayAll Romance eBooksSmashwords
What, specifically, is in this box set? It's got three full novels and two novellas: Delay of Game, Double Major, In the Zone, Holiday Hat Trick, and Comeback.
What's up next? Bury the Hatchet, the first book from the Tulsa Thunderbirds series releases on July 9.
The Tulsa Thunderbirds series is a spin-off from the Portland Storm. It's a hockey romance series following an expansion team in the NHL. You can expect familiar characters, lots of hockey action, and the same emotional backdrop you'd find in the Storm series, but it's all set within a sexier, edgier package.
He was poised to be an elite goalie for a contending team.

Hunter Fielding has long since proven himself to be one of the best goaltenders in the NHL. The problem? His former team had another (slightly better) backstop. They left Hunter out to dry, the upstart Tulsa Thunderbirds claimed him in the expansion draft, and he made a few stupid comments about backasswards Oklahomans. Now the T-Birds say the only way he can redeem himself is to make nice for the media with some local goody two shoes who’s made some mistakes of her own.
Oklahoma’s sweetheart could do no wrong until she could do no right.
Tallulah Belle Roth was the reigning Miss Oklahoma USA until a night of out-of-control drinking, a naked foray in a hot tub with very bad boy, and a bunch of lowlights on TMZ. Now she’s been stripped of her crown and is facing the censure of the same people who made her out to be Little Miss Perfect. Tallie won’t ever get her title back, but her life is another matter—and the only way the public will allow her to do that is if she presents herself as happily settled with someone else under Oklahoma’s eye.
The marriage is to be in name only—one year of sickeningly-sweet lovey-dovey PDA, all to get their detractors to bury the hatchet. Those kisses and tender moments for the cameras take an emotional toll, though. Can in name only be enough?
Pre-order Bury the Hatchet now at the following retailers.
Barnes and Noble
All Romance eBooks
(Google Play pre-orders will come closer to release date.)
The next Portland Storm book will be a novella titled Home Ice, which releases on August 13.
There’s only one person in the world that Mattias Bergstrom allows to see his soft side: his younger sister, who was born with Down syndrome. She lives with their parents in Sweden, so there’s no worry of accidentally showing his players any part of himself other than the hard-assed former defenseman and current head coach of the Portland Storm. At least not until the doppelganger of Matti’s sister snags one of his young D-men in the corridor before the team’s skills exhibition event, and his frozen heart melts.
Paige Calhoun has her hands full with four exceedingly boy-crazy, hockey-loving daughters—three teenagers and one pre-teen with Down syndrome. Everyday life is hard enough, but then her ex-husband scores tickets for Paige to take the girls to the StormSkillz Competition. The magnitude of her task is further complicated when her youngest spots the hockey player of her dreams and barrels through the crowd to claim him as her own.
The team’s sexy-as-sin coach intervenes, and suddenly Paige feels just as boy crazy as her daughters. This girl might not be Matti’s sister, but he decides to give her and her sisters a weekend they’ll never forget. Too bad it never crossed his mind that in the process he might end up giving himself an unexpected happy ever after with Paige.
Pre-order Home Ice now at
Barnes and Noble
All Romance eBooks
(Google Play pre-orders will be available closer to release date.)
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